How to make money online without a website

Yes you can make money online today without a website. In this article, I will show you how!


1) Choose a niche (Example: Fitness, Health, Wealth, Relationship, etc)


2) Sign up as an affiliate on any affiliate network like or


3) Copy the affiliate links of the products in your niche. (The below is a product from

4) Signup for free on (You get started for free and can upgrade anytime you want)


5) Click on the Bio Pages on the left corner of the page

6, Fill in the Form and add your affiliate link at the bottom of the page as shown in below diagram

7) Your bio page with look like the below after adding your affiliate links

8) Add your bio page link on your profiles/ bios (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and even WhatsApp, etc)

9) Join Facebook groups in your niche, post, intelligently comment on other peoples post and comments and when someone visit your profile, they may click your bio page link and may convert into a customer.

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